Full Lightburn Control Guide

It is suggested to just use the latest firmware. They finally “fixed” the things I modified the firmware for so it’s no longer needed. However, if you manually install 1.15.x, you can flash mine ontop of that. As long as you don’t need support for the quick swap, 20W, or 40W laser you can stay on that old version.

So to jump between Lightburn and Luban make sure you’re either on my old 1.15.x custom firmware, or a newer firmware over 1.17.17. Anything inbetween might cause issues.

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On the controller the firmware is updated can you update the firmware on the modules such as the laser separately

Follow the instructions on the firmware post about manually updating via USB. Do this for each module you want to update.

Will this firmware module update work on the Artisan machine it says Snapmaker 2.0

Make sure to download the Artisan firmware from the artisan forum;

Do NOT flash 2.0 firmware to the Artisan.

Hey @Skreelink
for my last Laser jobs I downgraded every time to your custom firmware.
So far, so good. Now, they integrated the inline feature into the new firmware.
I’m tired from switching firmwares, so I’ll keep the new one for now. In fact, I know that I’ll loose the repeatable origin.

I’m thinking about changing the Machine configuration from GRBL-M3 to Marlin or Snapmaker-Marlin.

Do I lose some features with that change? Is the Inline Feature only in the GRBL-M3 Machine configuration? What’s your idea about that?


Inline is available in the Marlin configuration.

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Alright. I recalled it. The Grbl-M3 configuration was chosen because of some other hcicups with laser power and movement.

You might still be able to have a repeatable origin. It’s just gcode based as long as it homes correctly. If they increased the pull back off the switches it might still work. You can try testing by running a quick shape like a circle or square, then repeating it a few times. Try it from an already homed position, then manually move X/Y somewhere and run it, giving it different lengths to move during homing. It should engrave the shape exactly over the previous repeatedly. If it can’t then you can’t trust the switches anymore.

As far as the machine, you can either use GRBL or Marlin, do not use “Snapmaker”. The snapmaker device profile still sets it up the old way with M3/M5 for each dot (although now it doesn’t stutter and will continue to move).

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Great! Thanks for your detailed answer!

Thanks that worked do you know the gcode to turn the crosshairs on the 40w laser

For Snapmaker 2:
Turn on the crosshair pointer: M2002 T3 P1
Turn off the crosshair pointer: M2002 T3 P0

Can that be done anytime, I type it in the console it says error don’t understand code

It works with my machine, Snapmaker 2 A350, configured as a Marlin device.
I’ve only tried it with the machine at home location and my absolute coordinates location.
I have them set as macros also.

It works for me as well and will stay on even if you start your job (adding some addition start gcode to counter my forgetfulness :man_shrugging:t2:)

I’m using grbl on the artisan machine

My guess is that grbl doesn’t recognised the Marlin command therefore doesn’t action it. The same is true for Homing and Boundary macros in Lightburn they only work with the Marlin configuration

Make sure this is P0 using the number zero, not the letter O. Also, it doesn’t matter what device profile you use to connect to the machine, that just changes what flavour of gcode and initial checks Lightburn does. Anything sent via console directly to the machine is unaffected.

That’s because they use different commands for each. Homing in GRBL is done with $H and Marlin uses G28. However, sending it via console, or making your own macro will work just fine.

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So with it work with the grbl and artisan machine for the crosshair on and off or do I need to put something else in, it says unknown command

For the Artisan use the following;

Crosshair On; M2000 L13 P1
Crosshair Off; M2000 L13 P0
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