I see a number of posts that indicate that a user can update the firmware to the most recent stock, and then apply your custom firmware over the top (in order to add the inline laser control).
Do you expect this to also work with (and / or be necessary for) whatever firmware changes need to happen to use the quickswap kit or the new laser modules?
as always,
thanks for your contributions to this ecosystem.
Sadly Snapmaker has not been keeping up their end by keeping the public github up to date. As such, I cannot say newer versions will work. You can always try at your own risk, but there’s no guarantees going forward.
Myself I’ll be staying on old firmware with my tweaks, there’s nothing in the newer firmware I need. If they don’t actively push updates to their github, or get the two changes I do reversed in the main code, then sadly this is getting deprecated unless users want to use older firmware, but that means they give up newer features like the quick release (although the quick release SHOULD be able to be compensated for with added offsets in the header).
"I have just loaded the latest Luban 4.9.0 software and have notices a few bugs.
After doing the auto focus the head moves slowly to the start point.
When doing text outline the laser does not turn off between letters
When filling the text with lines again the laser doesn’t turn off so most letters are filled.
When trying to dot fill the letters the laser won’t turn on.
Has anyone noticed these bugs or am I doing something wrong. I have also tried to turn off the new feature box for constant power for the laser.
The smaller text is on an older version of Luban"
They’re finally trying to do inline on Luban. Which you’re now experiencing the exact bug I pointed out way back in 1.14 that I described in an old post below. (and is why I had made custom firmware)
They’re no longer using M3/M5 to turn the laser on and off, instead turning it on with M3 or M4 and then inline power changes to control the laser. However, when the laser should be “Off” it calls for S0 which, in theory, should turn the laser off by setting the power to 0. However, a very old commit instead makes S0 turn the laser on at either full power or the last power it was before, instead of off. This is very dangerous.
This is now the default output from Luban, I suggest downgrading until this is fixed in the firmware.
As far as the “constant power” option goes, it simply swaps M4 for M3, which is a GRBL thing and does nothing in a Marlin based system for laser. (in CNC mode, M3 is clockwise, M4 is counter-clockwise) On a GRBL system (XTool, 3018, Ray, etc) M4 would allow the controller to adjust the laser power down and up to compensate for deceleration and acceleration of the toolhead to prevent burns in corners/small details where the laser can’t reach full speed. M3 is “constant power” mode, wherein it remains at your set power, no matter how fast/slow the toolhead is going, and can cause burns in small details and corners.
TL;DR Old dangerous bug still there, Luban now does “inline” by default, the constant power toggle is useless. Downgrade Luban to 4.8.0 or lower if you’re on stock firmware until it’s fixed, or if you’re on my old firmware, test out the new inline feature in Luban 4.9.0!
EDIT: As an interim solution, export the gcode to file > open in a text editor such as Notepad++ > Ctrl-H to bring up the “replace” dialog box > Replace ALL S0 with S1 > Save and load into workspace and run, or load onto machine. This sets the power level of the laser to 1% so it won’t be powerful enough to burn and give you the effect of it being off. This is what I did in the images while testing in the above forum post.
EDIT2: Oh boy! They didn’t do inline for dot-filled engraving. So this is going to be the exact same, stuttery, stop/go image engraving as before. However they’re doing inline in “Line-filled” engraving, which if it worked, would be exponentially faster. (Luban’s own ETA for a test image was 7 hours in dot, and 39 minutes in line). Sadly? With the bug stated above, all you’d get would be a solid block of black, as S0 would keep the laser on. @VaporPhoxxe Try a line filled engraving of a grayscale image, replacing S0 with S1 please?
I’m gathering from the FB posts that after updating to the latest firmware the issue is resolved.
Its kind of hard to follow the ramblings in those posts.
Apparently they had only updated Luban (?) but not the firmware.
I don’t know, I don’t have facebook so I only get info from the forums.
EDIT: However, if they fixed that issue, then my custom firmware should no longer be needed. Unless they kept the pull-off for homing, that would still cause issue with a repeatable origin.
Artisan newbie here. I spent the better part of the day digesting Skreelink’s guides, but before I start loading custom firmware I’m trying to get the most basic laser functions to work. I’m on Luban 4.9.0 Firmware 2.5.16. The bottom line is that I can successfully cut any shapes with curves, but the laser will not power on for shapes that are only straight lines. The control unit says laser power should be at 100%, but no light. I go back in and change the rectangle to an ellipse and it works.
It’s likely a flaw with how Luban generates code in 4
9 now, since they’re leaping into inline for the first time. However, it seems the custom firmware should not be needed anymore. So feel free to follow the guide minus that part.
I have no idea, you can give it a shot. I haven’t upgraded past 1.15, so I can’t test it. I don’t have any module that requires a higher firmware, and if it’s not broke.
Alright, I took the plunge and did some 1.17.17 tests. It seems they finally sorted out inline, and in my few quick tests (just some outline ‘cuts’, a dithered image, and a grayscale image) that the custom firmware is no longer required. Using my exact same setup from the guide, minus the firmware, seems to yield the same results. This should open up the guide to more people that were wary about custom firmware.
I hooked up the 40W unit. Updated to the 1.17.17.
Tried Lightburn with both the Marlin profile and GRBL profile and it doesn’t fire in frame or start using just a simple circle design in line mode. Was set at 0.5%. Fires fine from the touchscreen at 0.5%.
I’ll try the 10W tomorrow.
**EDIT: restarted everything this morning and seems to be working now.
Going to try the Lightburn Marlin profile first, since that worked with the 1.6W, then will try the GRBL profile if there are issues.
Hi. I have just installed Luban 4.9.1 and finding the same issues with the Laser not turning off when printing text or when progressing from one cut to another - thus leaving unsightly marks and burns. Any solution other than reinstalling and reverting to Luban 4.8?