I’m printing a multicolor model and partway thru I started hearing skipping, but the nozzles aren’t clogged. I stopped it by increasing the temperature of the hotend, but as soon as it switches hotends it forgets the setting and the only way I found to make it save is to restart the print with the settings in the slicer.
The reason this happens is because the slicer software adds gcode commands to cool the unused extruder whilst it isn’t in use, it then calls for heating as it is comes back in to print, I think to prevent oozing/wasting energy keeping the nozzle at printing temperatures. If you print with one extruder, this extra code isn’t nessecary, so the printer doesn’t overide your manual temperature changes once set since prints don’t usually demand a change in temperature after the first layer. Printers are simple machines, and its unlikely that functionality to modify gcode on the fly will be implemented, these machines just follow basic instructions predetermined by the slicer!
I see two possible solutions, first you prevent the slicer from dropping and raising temperatures, that way, any manual interventions are not overridden as the machines switches between extruders, i’m not sure about your preferred slicer, but look into the custom gcode in the prusaslicer profile. Or you could tweak the gcode on the fly with Octoprint. Rather than uploading all the gcode in advance, Octoprint serves your printer the code line by line, giving you oppertunity to intervene with commands that haven’t yet been committed. Maybe there is a plugin that can find these relevant lines of code and amend them mid print, failing that you might need to script it yourself. Finding lines of gcode that adjust extruder temperature is easy enough, so find a way to prevent the call, or tweak future temperatures is all you need to acheive your outcome.
I’m no rocket surgeon or anything, but when a temp override has been made, how hard can it be for the controller to make the same override on subsequent tool changes automatically until the end of that particular print. I ran into this yesterday, and after it reverted on the next tool change I cancelled the print and tossed it in the garbage, re-sliced, and printed successfully. Wasteful of my time and materials…
The problem becomes determining when you want the temperature switch for the whole print vs. just for that part of the print. I would imagine this could be solved with a simple prompt upon the initial temperature change - either persist the change through the rest of the print, or don’t.
Temp settings in Cura aren’t my issue - it was a long print, that started to fail halfway through, and the printer does not remember temp changes between 2 tool heads.