Filament de couleur orange

Bonjour à tous, lors de la réception de ma nouvelle J1S, j’ai eu le plaisir d’avoir dans le carton une bobine de filament PLA de couleur orange, arrivant en fin de bobine, je regarde chez Snapmaker, mais sur le site il n’y a pas cette couleur ! Comment en trouver ? Merci d’avance pour vos retours d’informations. Stephane

English text :
Hello everyone, when I received my new J1S, I had the pleasure of having in the box a spool of orange PLA filament, coming at the end of the spool, I look at Snapmaker, but on the site there is no this color! How do I find them? Thank you in advance for your feedback. Stephane

You could ask support about or open a ticket

On the other side, why not select a PLA or other material type with a colour of your choice on the market?
I prefer local produced filament.
Dont buy the cheapest, it needs to be good quality.- Especially inproper diameter accuracy caused many problems posted on the forum…

Merci pour votre réponse ! justement la bobine est du filament de marque Snapmaker, donc je pense que ce n’est pas bas de gamme !

I’m a low volume hobby printer, but I’ve had good luck with Hatchbox PLA. I don’t see that brand on, but I do see several brands that I’ve heard people recommend in the forums.

The snapmaker brand PLA doesn’t have the best reputation. Some people say it’s good, but there are a lot of complaints too. Particularly the black PLA; it’s notorious in the forums. When people post a problem print, and the print is black, the first question is “Are you using Snapmaker Black?”

Du coup vous recommande quelles marques de filaments avec ma J1S ? Merci