I just received my Snapmaker2 and I have had the same problem with the large door.
What I’ve done … The door sensor could be easily build to the left. The sensor themselve should be turned to get the cable out to the right side.
The LED lines could be turned by removing just two srews. After that the LED cable fits perfectly.
The door elements are also replaceable but the controller does not fit perfectly. The holder needs to be shifted approx. 5 mm to the right what can be done with drilling new holes or with a self printed holder.
BUT I have one (or two) main PROBLEM(s)! The frame does not have the needed srewing holes for mirroring the doors. Both doors opens only 2/3 because the sliding mechanism and the magnets are on the wrong place. Posibly this can be changed if the top and bottom frame are switchable what I’ve not tested.
I would be appreciated if someone can fix this without drilling new holes into the frames.