Dual Head M2000 won't work if printing via OctoPrint (Slicer S3D)

Hi there,
I am slicing my gcodes with the official S3D profile for J1, I have done some tweaks. But I can’t get the M2000 command to work properly. Everything else works fine, even mirror and copy mode.
The unused tool head does not park, it stays at the last position and blocks the other tool head. No collision.
Here is the beginning of the gcode and the part where the tool change happens, maybe someone sees something strange

M106 S0 P0
M106 S0 P1
M140 S55
M190 S55
M104 S210 T0
M104 S210 T1
M109 S210 T0
M109 S210 T1
M220 S100
M221 S100
G28 ; home all axes
M605 S0
T0 ; select left extruder
M2000 S200 V250 A6000
M201 X10000 Y10000 Z500 E5000 ; set max acceleration
M593 P1 F50 ; configure input shaping
G1 Z5 F3000 ; lift
G1 X0 Y5 F1500 ; move to prime
G1 Z0.2 F3000 ; get ready to prime
G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance
G1 Y80 E10 F600 ; prime nozzle
G1 Y100 F5000 ; quick wipe
G1 X-13 F3000 ; park nozzle
T1 ; select right extruder
G1 Z5 F3000 ; lift
G1 X326 Y5 F1500 ; move to prime
G1 Z0.2 F3000 ; get ready to prime
G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance
G1 Y80 E10 F600 ; prime nozzle
G1 Y100 F5000 ; quick wipe
; process Multi Extrusion (Right Extruder)
; layer 1, Z = 0.2000
G91 ;relative positioning
;G1 Z+1 F600 ;z-hop
T1 ;switch to new tool
G90 ;absolute positioning
M2000 S200 V250 A6000 ; park the old tool
G1 X0.000 Y0.000 F9000 ; go to next position at high speed
G92 E0.00000
G1 E-1.00000 F1800
; feature inner perimeter
; tool H0.2000 W0.960
M104 S150 T0
G1 Z0.2000 F1000
G1 X96.749 Y17.774 F4800
G92 E0.00000
G1 E1.00000 F1800
G92 E0.00000
G3 X88.953 Y16.565 I10.684 J-94.632 E0.62997 F2400
G1 X87.414 Y16.118 E0.75790
G3 X85.267 Y14.727 I1.548 J-4.742 E0.96441
G1 X84.824 Y13.991 E1.03299


G2 X70.125 Y103.518 I3.415 J4.039 E6.89481
G1 X73.584 Y106.977 E7.28526
G3 X71.692 Y106.442 I8.862 J-34.955 E7.44221
G1 X69.625 Y104.376 E7.67548
; process Multi Extrusion (Left Extruder)
; layer 4, Z = 0.8000
G91 ;relative positioning
;G1 Z+1 F600 ;z-hop
T0 ;switch to new tool
G90 ;absolute positioning
M2000 S200 V250 A6000 ; park the old tool
G1 X72.331 Y104.363 F9000 ; go to next position at high speed
; feature inner perimeter
M104 S150 T1
G1 Z0.8000 F1000
G1 X72.331 Y104.363 F4800
G92 E0.00000
G2 X79.023 Y98.066 I-59.644 J-70.090 E0.73388
G2 X83.007 Y93.244 I-40.281 J-37.337 E1.23339
G1 X84.967 Y90.393 E1.50958
G1 X86.827 Y87.284 E1.79873
G1 X88.538 Y83.960 E2.09717

what behavior do you expect from M2000?

Interesting. I notice that there is a difference between the gcode my Cura generates and yours…

Your gcode:

T0 ;switch to new tool
G90 ;absolute positioning
M2000 S200 V250 A6000 ; park the old tool

Cura Gcode:
G92 E0
G92 E0
M2000 S200 V250 A6000

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the fast tool change from snapmaker. If I print from the display the same gcode works fine. But thtas no option for me.

So you dont print via J1 display and your M2000 tool change works?

@TylonHh No I only use the display interface but noticed the difference.
Ok, so the same gcode works if started locally on the machine?

edit: ahh just read your previous post, no need to answer the question then =D

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Maybe the m2000 command doesnt work when sent through usb/serial connection?

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Maybe it will work if you start the print with M23/M24? :face_with_monocle:

I have the same problem. Could someone solve it?