SnapMaker 2.0
Hello everyone, looking for some help here, i normally use PrusaSlicer and just installed my dual extruder. whenever i have the wipe tower enabled prusaslicer fails to generate the G-code. i receive a popup with this error:
Parsing Error at line 5: Not a variable name
G1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} X{wipe_tower_x} Y{wipe_tower_y} F{travel_speed*60}
i cant seem to find a setting to fix this. projects slice fine with wipetower not enabled.
Sorry, I’m a dummy that’s just a type-o by me in the post. I couldn’t get the copy and paste to work so I tried to re-type it into the forum post. Do you think that it even needs the custom tool change g-code that came with the default profile? the attached picture shows it with the }
here’s an expert from my G-code: hope this helps
; toolchange #1
; material : PLA → PLA
M220 B
M220 S100
G4 S0
; stop printing object Shape-Sphere id:0 copy 0
G1 E-18 F2100
M104 S154 ;standby T0
!!! Failed to process the custom G-code template toolchange_gcode
Parsing error at line 5: Not a variable name
G1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} X{wipe_tower_x} Y{wipe_tower_y}
!!! End of an error report for the custom G-code template toolchange_gcode