CNC 3D Builds format? How to do

Hello Community,

since 1 week I try to create Letters with round bodys… i don’t know how i can create something what is in 3D… I can CNC normal letters… thats ok… but i want to make better thinks :slight_smile: Relief are only Picture i can use an the other only SVG … But how ich can CNC STL for example … or how they make the CNC Stuff from the Snapmaker videos an Pictures

(sorry for my English)

MFG FatMasterM

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I think you have to learn how to make 3D models with a CAD software.
Fusion360 is pretty popular with many users and help videos in Youtube.


i know how I can create 3D models with a CAD Software… I Use Solid Works 2018… I have a problem to convert it in a format that can be used in Luban… STL Models are only for 3D print… but i want to CNC.

Hey @FatMasterM, i am not sure but i think you are searching for this:

You need a free account of autodesk.

Here is this in german: (if you need)
Hier wäre das ganze in Deutsch:

Greets Chris