Can snapmaker finally come out with Prusa or Orca plugins? At this point I am willing to pay!

Thank you @MMoosmann ! I will test your profiles. Are printing speeds increased for Artisan or are the same as for the A350? Could you print with dual successfully? Thank you in advance!

I dont know anything about the A350 so i cant give you compared results.
Right now im printing on Artisan with 60mm outer wall, 100mm inner.
But tbh im more focused on Quality and had to fiddle a lot to make all 3 Artisan “modes” work good for me.
Speed tuning wasnt in my time budget till now.
You are welcome to share some speed oriented profiles as an addition.
I printed single: ABS, PLA, PETG, ASA and dual: PLA-PLA, ABS-PVA(esun)
At least that was working good.

If you need anything else just let me know and i will see what i can come up with.

Check out GitHub - shurushetr/awesome-snapmaker: Curated list of things that help you make something awesome with Snapmaker machines. for printer profiles for Orca Slicer

There is no profiles for Artisan-Orca slicer here nweolu, I may have missed something.

Also whenever I put M420V in the console I just get: ok

Where is the file stored, I checked the USB stick, and there is no output matrix in the console? Or is it impossible to do over Wifi?

Man for the “The Most Advanced 3-in-1 3D Printer” (what is says right now on the homepage) its kinda dumb that autoleveling is a lie. But the list goes on: for most consumer printers, even some sub 200$ ones the artisan can’t match: No kilpper, You still have to use a sheet of paper, your bed is warped from the factory, no orca slicer support, IP address does nothing in a web browser, you have to buy a fix for the 3d printhead that was a problem from day 1, my printer was 6 months late, the slicer is about as intuitive/useful as some 1st\second generation slicers, support is left up to non-official devs… At this point I had a few times when I could recommend the printer to others, but It has more downtime than my ender 3’s and it’s not due to cheapening out on parts, its due to cheapinging out on the last 10% of refinement. If Snapmaker spent less time on the Amazing handbooks and more time on Support, Software and Compatibility, they could beat everyone in the 1500$+ prosumer/side hustle market!!!

If they just want to focus on the next big thing instead of fixing the last thing, Why don’t they just open source it, open up options or even support Klipper, and have the community fix it if they cannot.
I’m sure it would be alot faster(the bones are good), have mesh support, and be able to work without it being patched to hell.

The people who have the most venom for Snapmaker, is previous customers that have other 3d printers and are wondering why they still haven’t got their act together. I understand some have “no problems” but if you do anything more than use 1/3 the build volume, without wifi, don’t have warped beds, or you don’t own any other competent competitors 3d printers/CNC Machines or Laser engravers, you would know that 10% finishing is missing on just about everything, it almost feels like a scam.


Looking at this version, I plan to submit it to PS/OS in the middle of this month (May)

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Just dl’d&install’d… oh thank you so much @macdylan my OrcaSlicer life is sooo much better now!

(and srsly Snapmaker, wake up. Your community is trying to help you by doing the work you aren’t, and you don’t even open-source the necessary bits for us to run with it…)

@DecoeneWilly @Jade (these are guesses to the SM peeps I know of, so if it’s wrong, my apologies!)

One point of note: the flushing volumes between filament types may not be correct for a dual extruder. You may wish to adjust the values lower, I went with 100 and it makes a nicely sized purge block rather than one which took half the bed and wasted a lot of filament. Default calculation is based on MMU, not DEX.

Defaults (based on the colour chips):

After (manually set):

You can try set the multiplier to 0.2 or less.

This value cannot be written to the preset profile, so it has to be changed manually.