Bug Report: "Run boundary" crashes the Snapmaker App for Jobs that have no metadata (Laser)

Since a while Snapmaker 2.0 seems to expect metadata lines like these in the GCode to be able to run the boundary of a Job:

;max_x(mm): 26.5
;max_y(mm): 4
;max_z(mm): 0
;min_x(mm): 0
;min_y(mm): 0
;min_z(mm): 0

I have some laser GCode from a 3rd party application (FlatCAM) that does not have these lines. When I select “Run Boundary” from the touchscreen, the Snapmaker App stops. The Code uses absolute positioning (G90).

I am on firmware 1.20.3.

EDIT: It also seems that without the header line


there is no progress display - I am 1 hour into in a laser Job and it still shows 0% progress.A back-of-the-envelope calculation estimates the Job to take 20h (very pessimistic assumption), so it should be beyond 5% by now…

I would highly appreciate that the “old” method of once parsing the file to derive the job boundaries in 4D that was there in the earlier firmwares would come back and be used if the header lines are missing.

Now things are getting weird: I now run a very similar job - main difference: faster (1000 mm/min vs. 500 mm/min), more passes (25 instead of 16) and inline power used. Now I have a meaningful progress percentage… did not try boundary however.