Bad date from luban to the printer

Is anyone having this problem? I will send a gcode file to the printer and it has some random 1970 year date on it. Then I can’t find it on the controller. It keeps randomly happening. Even when I run the part from Luban.

The problem most likely is that the touchscreen controller has no battery buffer for its clock, i.e. it forgets the time after each poweroff. When it boots, it tries to connect with a time server via its network connection, but if for whatever reason it cannot get the time server’s response, the clock will be off - 1970 is the old Linux/Android standard value. So, make sure that the printer can connect to some network, and that it can query the internet for an NTP server.

I recently sniffed on the network traffic of the touchscreen - details here: [GUIDE] How to install apps on your Snapmaker 2.0 LCD - Access Android part of LCD - #16 by Hauke

EDIT: Sorry, overlooked that this is for Artisan - I cannot vouch that what I write is true for Artisan, but I’d assume so.

It can connect to wifi and I can transfer files to it but it won’t look for firmware