As per the title, anyone doing this successfully? If so, would you mind sharing your settings / setup?
I tried it before but gave up in frustration, mostly because I was having bed adhesion and serious warping. No matter the tinkering I couldn’t get any useful prints. I decided to have another attempt today and purchased a role of Polyimide Hi-Temp Tape which is meant to be the same as Kapton tape. Print job went fine until about it was about 4 or 5 mm high and then all corners started to warp and lift off the bed like last time…until finally the print head made contact and pulled the print job loose.
I’m using X3D ASA with a bed heat of 90 degrees and most attempts are around 245 - 255 degrees with cooling turned off. I’m pretty sure I tried higher and lower bed temps before but I guess I should try again to be certain. Correct that higher is better?
I did heat the bed to 90 degrees with the tape fitted and did a new calibration before attempting any prints.
I’ve printed ASA on the snapmaker fine, 260 at the nozzle, 80 on the bed. However, I have the enclosure, and haven’t done any large prints. This was just a center cap for my truck.
Look up tips for printing ABS, if you haven’t already. It’s chemically related to ASA and has pretty much all the same problems. Using a brim or raft is one obvious tip.
Depending on the slicer you’re using, use a draft shield, or very high skirt (make sure it’s at least 2-3 loops so it doesn’t warp into your nozzle). ASA actually warps a bit less than ABS, but still prone to it. A brim or dime-dots on the corners will help keep it down. Try to make sure there’s no breezes/fans that can blow on it. If it’s near an HVAC supply try to isolate it with a large box with a webcam or old cellphone inside to watch it. Controlling the air around it is one of the best things you can do to keep it down so it cools slower and doesn’t rip itself apart.
Thank you. Thing is, I have had almost no issues with printing ABS and was wondering why everyone complains about it. I was expecting ASA to be similar but I’m finding them to be very different to print with. I’ve been blaming the problem on my lack of experience with ASA but now wondering if it is this brand or particular roll of filament that is the problem.
Thanks Skreelink. I’m using Cura 5.1. I’m also printing with an enclosure and made a point of not opening it while the printing is running in fear of a drop in temperature upsetting the filament.
On the previous attempt at printing ASA I did try my PEI flex plate but it wouldn’t stick to it regardless of the temperatures.
I tried printing last night with a brim of 20 lines but it still lifted, this time also causing the filament to clog in the nozzle and print in mid air for a while before I noticed it. I’ve not heard of dime-dots before - guess I have some more research to do.
I’ll try again today but with the same 260 and 80 that you use.
With regards to cooling - do you turn yours off completely or have it come back on after a few layers but at a greatly reduced rate?