Any use case for 1.6W laser with 10W laser module available?

My A350T was ordered with a 10W laser option. The 10W module is so much faster and easier to use, that I wonder, if there is any use case for the 1.6W laser, i.e. where this low power laser is an advantage.
Sorry for my ignorance - I’ve got my machine 2 weeks ago…


I bought my A350 before the 10W was available… I cannot think of any reason that I’d swap out the 10W I bought to use the 1.6W again. I use it every day for my business.

It’s handy to have incase you get a second machine, such as the cheaper F models that only come with 3d printing to get it running until you can toss cash for another 10W. Or if anything happens to your 10W, such as a burned or cracked lens. It’ll keep you running until you can repair or replace.

Or simply if you’re doing simple, small engraves, you can use the 1.6W instead to save wear and tear on the 10W since diodes DO have an expected lifespan.

I actually got hit with the first option. Someone bought me an F350 so I was able to use it until I got a different laser module. Now one runs the 10W, and one runs the 2W IR. The 40W gets loaded basically only when I need to cut.

Thank you both very much for your perspectives - which seem to validate my impression.


P.S. in addition my 1.6W module refuses to provide a complete camera capture, so the 10W module keeps me going. I have contacted SM support on that issue.

10W has the smallest focusable dot of the non-IR options. 1.6W is next smallest. There are a lot of folks who are doing amazing work with the 1.6W and Rustoleoum Tile method.

As others have said, my 1.6W is now with my spare machine and is back-up to the 10W which I go with for the detailed focus.