Able to use ER8 collet?

Is it possible to swap the single-diameter chuck on the CNC head of the Original model with an ER11 collet?

I managed to find one that can fasten to a 5mm-diameter shaft, but it’s too wide for the hole in the CNC head’s enclosure, and the motor on there has a 3mm shaft.

Is this completely unsupported, or is it possible?


We have not tried ER8 collet yet.


I would strongly suggest putting at least some effort into the Original platform, as I’m feeling extremely left behind here.

I’m stuck with Dremel-like bits, can’t use any drill bits that aren’t the exact right diameter, and just that is enough to discourage me from playing around with the platform right now. And I can’t afford the 2.0 right now, and won’t be able to justify the purchase for at least two years.

ER8 collet is not supported by the CNC carving module.

Users can use other ER11 collets for different bits.

I will remind you that this is the Snapmaker Original subforum, NOT the Snapmaker 2.0 subforum.

As such, I am enquiring about the ability to use some kind of ER-style collet with the Original CNC engraving head, since you don’t appear to be putting any more effort into this platform.

Sorry for the misleading information. I mixed up the subforums.

Snapamker Original machine does not support ER-style collet now.


I’m definitely going to investigate this option, thanks for the reference!
(unfortunately, I’d already bought an ER8 kit months ago to see if what options were available with what I have on hand, and it doesn’t appear to be possible with the bits and pieces I already have)