3rd project finished

The project was to make a bookmark in wood and engrave it with the laser. The overall size of the bookmark is 200 x 40mm. My first attempt was to make it very thin and flexible and the material was only about .3 mm thick in places. I ran many tests with the laser and finally settled on a reasonable power output and work time. I finished the piece and when examining it, a piece of wood was so thin it just fell out and left a hole. Back to the drawing board and I decided not to work with material thinner than 1mm and in the event my finished article is around .8 mm in thickness.

The project was for a relative who just left school and is going to study law. He also happens to be a keen sportsman and loves to shoot targets. The final motifs were an in family joke but the effect is not too bad. A unique bookmark, made from Maple wood, with a design that will not be found anywhere else.




Thanks for the share :+1:

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Something different. :smiley: