3D Print globs and no stick

Yeah, I wouldn’t put it past them to have crappy quality control. I am too new to the 3D Print realm, so I know near-nothing about the filament types. I just received my 10 watt Laser module a month ago, so while I started drying out my filaments, I put the laser on and have been playing with that. Sorry I couldn’t help you on that.

I had the same issue on my a350 and I fixed it by making the first layer temp 250 although you might want experiment with temps a little because my filament prints at 195.

How are you adjusting z-offset mid print?

Dry filament in an oven set to its lowest temp 120 ish. then store it in a zip lock with descant in it.

Thank you for the recommendation. I will certainly try that out.

I have only adjusted the z-offset pre-print, I haven’t attempted to do it mid-print

Roger that… Thank you!!!

Swipe on the touchscreen to the left and adjust the live z-offset.
This is only recommened to adjust the first layer!

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I normally print a 3 wide skirt on my models, I use that to do the Z offset before it starts the main print. I do that on my Snapmaker and 3 Enders, seems to work perfectly for me. Does mean being at the machine when the print starts but better that than a failed print.

How do you do multiple skirts?

If you are using Luban it is simply :- initial layer adhesion>skirt line count = 3. I don’t use Cura but I should imagine there is a similar setting.

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Thank you, I will try that once I put the 3d module back on.

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Try starting print bed temp to 65 then drop to 58 after you have a print layer say around 3mm.
Hot bed will e,g, 70 will curl the foundation.

Thank you, I will try that!