I started a print that was 130mm in height; twice. On both occasions, the print stopped at 83.5mm and Artisan said it was complete. I’ve looked at the code, found the layer number, deleted all code before that, set the temps and started the print, only to find both X and Y have become ‘confused’ so that it prints in the air.
The print before the early stop looks fine, just incomplete.
I wondered if the whole file is not being loaded into the printer due to memory limits. Could that be an issue? Should I print from a USB stick?
There where never unfinished prints because of uncompletely loaded gcode here (so far I know).
Maybe your nozzle got clogged or it’s a feed error because of tangling or hard pulling force.
Double check your environment.
Maybe you filament grinds in the toolhead because of excessive retractions.
So many issues could cause printing in mid air…
You could preview your gcode in a gcode viewer (in any slicer or online gcode viewer), then it’s kind of sure it’s not corrupted.
Thanks to those who have replied.
I can update my original post…
I would have thought a clogged nozzle would not cause a termination of a print job? Wouldn’t the printer just hang waiting for operator intervention?
A previous job printed successfully over 24 hours, higher than this one: But it was sliced by Prusa Slicer and I’m still feeling my way with adjusting the settings; the failed jobs were both sliced with Luban where I thought the settings were a better match to the machine.
I’m only using one filament and the feed is free.
Should I be using a slicer other than Luban?
Once the shortened code was reloaded into the machine, the program ran as before, albeit in the wrong location. But I can’t tell what the memory situation is.
Because the print had completed, temperatures were back to ambient, so I’m unable to say if there was a power supply spike or some other abnormality.