Snapmaker Orca V1.1.0 Beta: Issues Report & Discussions

Hello Snapmaker Orca Beta users,

We’re collecting the issues you’ve encountered when using Snapmaker Orca Beta V1.0.1 and trying to solve them asap.

Here’s how you can share your feedback:

  1. Submit a Support Ticket: Contact our support team directly by submitting a support ticket or emailing us at
  2. Post in This Thread: Feel free to discuss any issues or concerns here.
  3. Avoid posting feature requests here. Discuss them in the dedicated thread: Snapmaker Orca V1.1.0 Beta : Features Request & Discussions

Before posting:

  • Check this thread for existing reports and solutions. Your issue may already have been reported and addressed.

We appreciate your feedback!

Known Issues & Workaround

#1 Multi-Extruder Setup Bug


This is a known bug in Orca (Snapmaker Orca and Orca Slicer). This results in incorrect detection of extruder counts. Additionally, after Orca introducing preliminary support for multi-tool/multi-extruder, it has restricted the ability to add custom materials in multi-extruder mode, causing user confusion.



Planned Fix: This issue will be addressed in Snapmaker Orca Beta V1.1.0.

Current Workaround: Switch to Single Extruder Multi Material and manually sync the material configuration. Orca treats material changes as tool changes in its logic. This workaround allows the use of Single Extruder, Multimaterial mode to simulate Multi-Extruder mode while the bug persists.

  1. Open the Printer settings page.

  2. Navigate to the Multimaterial tab and select Single Extruder Multi Material.

  3. Return to the main interface, where you can now customize and adjust the Filament quantity.

#2 Port 5000 Occupied/Connection Issue in Luban


Port 5000 being occupied by the system, the following features cannot be used on macOS 14+:

Enabling Orca (Orca Slicer and Snapmaker Orca) to transfer G-code via Wi-Fi, using Luban as the transfer station to enable Orca to communicate with your Snapmaker machine through the OctoPrint protocol (protocol: Octo/Klipper; port: 5000).


Planned Fix: An alternative port will be provided in the next Luban version (V4.15).

Current Workaround: Disable the Airplay Receiver as shown in the image below and restart Luban to establish the connection.


Thumbnails of Gcodes, are not displayed on my Artisan.
Only a question mark appear.
Files generated with Snapmaker Orca V1.0.1 with Linux appimage.
Kind regards


Hi Danilo,
Could you please send me a screenshot to take a look?

Hello Zoe,

As you can see on the picture below, the visible thumbnails are from .gcode files generated by Cura 5.9 and the four question marks are .gcode files generated by “Snapmaker_Orca_Linux_V1.0.1.AppImage”, running on Linux Mint.

The Snapmaker Artisan firmware is up-to-date: 2.7.3

I remain at your disposal if you need further information.

Kind regards.


I have exactly the same problem.

I have it on my Mac

1 Like

Same here on Mac :wave:

Hi @danucc @Nautillis @obayviz

Thank you for your feedback. This is a known issue. The thumbnail content is embedded in the gcode generated by the slicer software and relies on the slicing engine. Currently, our machines are compatible with Luban (based on Cura). We plan to make adjustments and improvements to address this issue in the future.

Hi folks,

do you know why Snapmaker Orca displays the slicing image so incorrectly?

Hi, could you kindly provide more details, such as the software version you’re using, the printer and filament configuration, and the specific process? If possible, sharing the STL file would be really helpful for us to better understand and reproduce the issue. Thank you!

I can’t get non-Snapmaker filaments to populate the filament selection list. I opened the configuration panel and checked the filament I wanted to add, but it doesn’t show in the selection list. The one I’m trying to add is Elegoo PETG Pro.

I am using Snapmaker Orca 1.1.0 on Snapmaker Artisan - firmware is up to date.
I have found out that it is probably just a display error. When I switch from the 0.4 to the 0.6 nozzle and back, this faulty display occurs.
I have attached the original file here.
250116 (882.5 KB)

That’s a bit strange; I just tried it, and it worked.

I’m on a Mac in case that matters. I can check that box to supposedly enable it but it doesn’t show up in the selection list.

Could you please share a screenshot with me? I’ll forward it to the software team.

Thank you for the information. I’ve shared it with the software team for investigation. I’ll update here once I receive any feedback.

Sorry I didn’t get this to you earlier. Here are the screenshots you requested.

Thank you for providing the information. After confirmation, it has been identified as a bug and will be fixed in version 1.2.0.

adding a manual filament change doesnt work with A350T. Im having the same problem with Prusaslicer. The printer wont pause the print for a change.
Dont know if this is Orca related since I have the problem with Prusaslicer too.