SM1 Laser (1600 mW) and working with Lightburn

I have a couple of short video presentations that will help to support the previous material. The following video shows the preview button and what it demonstrates at 10x normal display speed when it is showing the path that the laser beam will take. This preview was generated when the laser beam was set to line mode, which permits the laser beam to follow each piece separately rather than scanning across the whole image. The background noise is the laser module working while I was displaying the preview on my computer. It is at the following dropbox link:

The second dropbox link is to a video showing the cutting process on SM1. It is relatively quick and quiet. This was a second pass because the first one was not sufficient. After this I changed the power setting from 100% at 3000 mm/min to 50% at 700 mm/min for the final result. The only other item of note is the jig which I made especially for etching these 98mm square coasters of 2mm plywood. Each coaster is held in 2mm space provided and it does not move despite the rapid and jerky movements of the table.