Profile and Material Export/Import

It’s good to see the new update. I’ve been using SL3.14 on my Mac and wanted to try it on one of my PCs. I could export the material and quality profiles I’d created, but there didn’t seem to be a way to import them into the Windows version. (And of course, it could have been me.)

But I’m happy to report that it works fine, now. I have two profile on Dropbox, and SL3.15 was able to load up the material and quality profiles without a hiccup.

Glad to know that Snapmaker Luban 3.15 works well. @oshiricohn

There is a minor bug with V3.15. If you connect the machine with PC via the USB cable and the console will report that the air purifier is missing.

You are not able to stop the message. We will release a patch version of Snapmaker Luban in two days.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Uh, there’s an air purifier?

It is yet to be released. But to me, it seems like adding compatibility might mean it’s coming soon.

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The air purifier will be released in June, and we have added this feature to firmware and software already. We will keep our users updated about the coming add-ons.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I was told that the patch version V3.15.1 was about to be released this Friday.


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