I have a problem with the filament getting clogged in white PLA+. I’ve been trying to print some parts for several days and there’s no way, it always gets clogged at some point, each time at a different point, it’s a 14 hour print, and there’s no way to finish it correctly.
I’m attaching an image of the problem. A knot gets formed in the hotend and the filament doesn’t go through, I have to take it out, cut it and put it back in at the end and throw away the print, I’ve already had 7 broken prints.
I’m a newbie at this, I use the default Luban settings in normal mode. The hotend and nozzle are new. I use 225ºC for the nozzle and 50ºC for the bed.
Any idea why this happens? How can I fix the problem?
What is the model? If it’s got a lot of holes or small features that would make a ton of retractions, heat creeps up the filament (and extra heat from the motor doing so many retractions) making it soft before the heatbreak throat, causing that kink.
Try lowering the temp a little or reducing retraction settings.
According to the manufacturer, this PLA+ filament should have a temperature between 210-230°C, which is why I use 225°C. I will try to lower the temperature and see if it is able to avoid clogging after several hours. Thanks for the help.
Try to make a cold pull and maybe try to exchange the hotend.
My very first hotend had a loose piece of ptfe tube in it which caused clogging for me too, so it’s worth a try to disassemble and have a closer look (there should be a replacement in the toolbox).