Hi All,
I’m trying to to a multi-color print that is somewhat challenging. Tall part, thin walls, lots of tree supports. I have had multiple issues with the extruders colliding with either the part, the supports, or the purge tower. I have been able to add z-hop to most of printers movements but it seems like in orca slicer there is no option to force z-hop on extruder swaps.
I’ve seen people address this problem by editing the machine g-code in prusa slicer, but the g-code’s are substantially different between orca slicer and prusa slicer. Can anybody advise on how/where I might add that z-hop in orca slicer?
Here is the prusa thread: Z-lift with tool change (Prusa slicer)
And here is the corresponding machine G-code in orca:
;***** Update: 20240823
{if current_extruder != next_extruder}
; Change T[current_extruder] → T[next_extruder] (layer [layer_num] [toolchange_count]/[total_toolchanges])
; layer [layer_num] at [layer_z]mm
M107 P[current_extruder] ;fan off T[current_extruder]
{if layer_num == 1 &&
((filament_type[current_extruder] == “PLA” || filament_type[current_extruder] == “TPU”)
|| (filament_type[next_extruder] == “PLA” || filament_type[next_extruder] == “TPU”))
; set bed temp: {filament_type[current_extruder]}({bed_temperature[current_extruder]}) → {filament_type[next_extruder]}({bed_temperature[next_extruder]})
M140 S{min(bed_temperature[current_extruder], bed_temperature[next_extruder])}
M2000 S200 V[travel_speed] A[travel_acceleration] ;quick switch extruders, S:200 mode/V:speed/A:acceleration
M109 T[next_extruder] S{if layer_num < 1}[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]{else}[nozzle_temperature]{endif} C3 W1 ;wait T[next_extruder]
{if layer_z > first_layer_height && layer_num >= close_fan_the_first_x_layers[next_extruder]}
M106 P[next_extruder] S{fan_min_speed[next_extruder] * 255.0 / 100.0} ;restore fan speed for T[next_extruder]