Moving to the park position usually gives me a heart attack when first the y-direction is moved potentially crashing into holders or material.
Wouldn’t it be much less risky to first move in the z-direction, i.e. lifting the toolhead and then changing x and y?
I use Lightburn and in the end G-code I have this rules (from skreelinkx Lightburn tutorial):
; Safety line, ensures the laser is offline and actually off.
; Custom line to rapid toss the toolhead up out of the way before move the x and Y.
G0 Z300 F6000
; Custom line to rapid the bed forward.
G0 Y350 F6000
; Safety home, I’ve noticed sometimes my machine is offset if I don’t home every now and then.
; Light to 100%
M1010 S3 P100
Great idea! - i guess I can create a respective macro in Luban and call this from the PC GUI.
Anyway I would still wish, that the “Park” command on the touch screen (under Settings) would first lift and then move in x/y direction and not first in y and then the other directions.
Not sure about the Snapmaker 2.0 but on the Artisan the device is moving to it’s park position also directly after powering it on. Thats a GCODE which is in the Firmware.
The position is not ideal at all. The filament tube bumps to the top of the cover and slides along while moving to it’s final position because Z moves first.
Right! Usually I need the “go to park position” after using the machine in a certain way.
With SM2.0 on each power up the machine moves to the home position before it starts on any job.
Exactly, Parking and Home Position are not the same.
But I have same thing on CNC. Starting a Job will result in Z, X and Y movement in parallel where I would also prefer: first X and Y and after on lower Z. I also had some collisions there. But i switched to holders which are not so height like the ones Snapmaker ships with the machine.
But how it go to the home position? For the SM 2.0 the parking place is most the home position but not mandatory.
The point is that the Z first leave the laser/CNC place before the X and Y axes move. Only to prevent collision between tool and workpiece/clamps/rotary.