Hi Snapmaker 2.0/Artisan/J1 owners,
Luban V4.8.0 is going to add more features for dual extrusion and IDEX printing. The alpha version is available on Github now! Welcome early adopters to try out the new features and share feedback with us.
Important Note:
Please note that there are some known issues in the alpha version. We don’t recommend that major users update to this version until the official V4.8 version is released.
Available Systems: Since this is a functional alpha/beta version, it is currently only available for Windows and macOS systems.
Brief Introduction
Mesh Painting
Smart Fill
Depending on the angle of the triangles in the clicked area, select triangles with a range of angular tolerances around the connection.
Triangles are selected based on the triangles and angular tolerances that the spherical brushes come in contact with. Smaller angle tolerances detect sharp borders, allowing the brush to paint only the area within the edge. The opposite is true for larger angles, where a 90° tolerance allows the brush to recede to select all triangles touched by all spherical brushes.
Dual Color Models
Known Issues
Both tools can have good determination for sharp boundaries, such as hard surface type models. But for the identification of rounded boundaries is not particularly applicable.
Tolerances do not work well with some fine triangular pieces and need to be cleaned up with a brush.
The Prime Tower cannot be generated automatically. You will need to import one extra model and assign a different extruder to this model in order to triger the Prime Tower generating. You can adjust the size of this extra model to a small model since it will be printed out as well.
When going to the Workspace, it gets stuck at a “select mode” window. Neither cancel nor the start button do anything. In this condition, you will need to close the whole program.
Temporary solution:
- Go to Window - Toggle Developer Tools in Luban.
- Open Elements window. Delete the line shown as below.