Trying to figure out best way to use the material test within lightburn. Right now when using the test with Skreelink’s beginning/ending code, there is no way to set material thickness that I can tell. Also, using absolute coordinates does not put the test at 0,0 origin, but some random point on the work surface.
I’m using at A350T with 40w module if that makes a difference.
If you’ve been successful using lightburn material tests without changing beginning/ending gcode, I’d love to hear how you’ve done it.
I’ve tried saving gcode file an moving to 0,0 origin, but when I open the file, there are no power or speed parameter gcode settings to be found. It shows comments where they should be, but no corresponding gcode.
Y center and X center are other parameters. You must these set to you’re situation. 10 rows @ 5mm and 10 columns @ 5mm gives Y center approx 25mm and for X center approx the same.
I’ve been changing center, but it would be so much better for it to start at 0,0 instead of calculating each time. Also, changing these numbers does not orient the piece to the work surface. I’m not sure where the material test is getting it’s origin from, but one time it started dead center of the work area even though bottom left absolute positioning was selected. Another time, it started on the far right side of the work surface. So the center points, only select the center of the image not the origin point that the material test will start from. At least in my limited experience.
The height parameter you pointed out is the height of the engraved box, not the thickness of material. The only way I’ve found to fix this is by editing the beginning gcode. Which really isn’t ideal.
Follow the Full Lightburn Control Guide to determine and set the work origin including the focal height (Z value) in beginning gcode.
In Lightburn (LB) create a 10mm square somewhere in the print area AND set it to layer 4 or higher (above the layers the LB Material Test uses).
Set material thickness in LB.
Turn off the output of the 10mm square so it doesn’t print.
Run the Material Test. It will use the material thickness entered in step 3 by adding it to the work origin Z value set in the beginning gcode.
According to LB documentation, the Height and Width settings in the Material Test window determine the size of the test rectangle in the test gride and have nothing to do with Z value.
Note: I’m running LB with laptop directly connected to Snapmaker via USB.