Lightburn GCode Inverts Light and Dark on Photos

I feel your pain with these issues.

I will update the firmware with your version and see if I can figure out greyscale in the meantime :slight_smile:

Has there been any movement on a resolve for this issue that I am also having?
Maybe Snapmaker and Lightburn could communicate and make nice-nice to solve the issue?

Hello…I posted this in another thread but here you go:

This is what my experience has been. We cannot use passthrough. I know that a lot of LB users use Imag-r or Da Big Gimpin’ plug in to pre process the image and when it is loaded into LB you are advised to use passthrough but don’t use those other products because SM does not seem to understand what to do if you use passthrough. In order to get out of the dithering inverted picture issue, I uninstalled LB including deleting the folder in programs and installed version 0.9.16. Newer versions may work as long as you never use passthrough. Before I uninstalled, I cleared out the LB preferences by going to File - Open Prefs folder. Once the folder is open, close out of LB and then delete everything in the folder. Once the folder is empty, then I uninstall. This has worked for me and everything has been good as long as I don’t use passthrough.


Thank you. I will give your process a try.

I tried your method and things are working correctly now!
Thank you!

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I though I had it working, but now it’s back to burning junk again. Tried the process over again with newest version of Lightburn and even reloaded firmware and still getting junk, never enabled pass-thru either.
This is beyond frustrating.

I have the same problem. So I did some tests and came to the following conclusion. The problem with the Snapmaker 2 is that lines are made way too fast compared to burning time of dots. I got halfway usable images when I reduced the speed and power significantly. But this means there is no advantage over the Snapmaker Original’s 200 mW laser. The same problem also with the line mode in Luban.

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Users can set the dwell time in the toolpath list.

Yes, I know how to set the dwell time in Dot Mode. And Dot Mode works fine. But not when set to Movement Mode Line (Normal Quality).

After consulting with our software engineer, he said that they do not have a plan to add the dwell time feature in Snapmaker Luban 3.16.

You guys can pull a request on our Github page:
