My J1s has been working very well, but sometimes, I get a layer shift of 0.5 - 1.0 mm in the Y direction. This seems to only happen when printing taller objects, and, oddly, seems to happen at about the same height with different pieces where it has happened.
This would seem to suggest that it’s an issue with the Z-axis screw binding, or not being aligned? Any thoughts/suggestions? I have not (yet) slathered the screw with lube. That’s the next thing I’ll try.
@MarkA121 Yes sounds reasonable but you should probably clean the z-rod aswell. I usually put a folded piece of paper between the threads and then just spin the rod by moving the bed up and down in the screen interface (be careful so you don’t pinch your hand between the moving bed and the bottom plate.
Dont forget the smooth rods. They need lubing too.
Make sure you have the latest firmware too because there have been previous versions that had a bug that sometimes caused layershifts on prints that went on for a long time…