@Tone played around with achievable movment speeds:
So I am not sure what my GCode in the end resulted in in terms af true speed. I assume I was far away from max speeds, since my GCode does 5mm chunks, so accel and deccel settings will basically always kick in.
I’ll try your GCode at some point, but due to time restrictions unfortunately not in the near future. Still, thanks for sharing!!!
On PWM: I’d say I am 99% sure they do stupid software PWM. Depending on which MCU pin they attached the laser driver to, this may or may not be changed to hardware PWM by a head firmware update (never thought about this: Can toolhead firmware be updated through standard means…?). And of course it may be that the laser manufacturer gives upper limits to how fast you may switch the laser on and off. I never digged into the intricacies of laser diodes - can they be driven like normal LEDs? In that case, I’d say kHz PWM should not be a problem, and the MCU should be able to deliver that…