first of all, I have to say the Snapmaker 2.0 A350 is a great development. But I think the software LUBAN need a little bit improvement. Especially the laser cutting function. I have actually a lot of trouble’s to cut out a simple .svg vector template’s because after importing Luban does not find all lines in the file correct or create 2 contours for cutting out!! I have waste a lot of time to solve this but I found no solution at the moment.
So there are a few open question to this topic from my side:
Has anybody out there the same issue?
Is it possible to use another software for laser cutting on the Snapmaker 2.0? (which one and which setting)
Is there an improvement of the laser cutting function planned?
There are a few tags in SVG standard are not correctly parsed in Luban, e.g. <defs> and <text>
I usually import SVG in another SVG editor to do some formatting, and export to SVG with simpler expression.
You can checkout a checklist of implemented tags in issue#263.
Sometimes just opening in Inkscape and exporting as plain svg will solve your problem.
Sometimes you need to convert “object to path” or “stroke to path”.
Lightburn is the alternative program you can use for laser.
Hi there, I also experience problems achieving basic cuts around shapes, very frustrating and as a Noob reading experienced users advice and solutions goes straight over my
Head. Very hard work, anywhere where one can get simple instructions and demo?