Hi, I have a complaint about the UI interface of the Luban software when displayed on a small screen with resolution 720p (1366x786).
I have a constant scrollbar on the right side of the window and some buttons on the properties panel, like slicing or sending to workspace are hidden outside the window and visible when I scroll down.
Then most buttons are really big and use a lot of screen space, some that are displayed on the horizontal bar in the workspace couldn’t fit so they wrap around doubling the bar height, I think that could be the reason of the constant scrollbar.
I’ve also run the application on a 1080p monitor and the size was ok, could be possible to decrease the application interface size / scale for smaller screens ?
I haven’t found an option in the configurations or a solution online.
In my current configuration I have a laptop in my garage to work with and is it not really possible to bring a bigger monitor there, mostly because other works are done and it gets dirty really quickly.