Here’s a third method if you don’t have a bluetooth keyboard OR a USB hub… like me
1: I plugged in a USB wired keyboard
2: Winkey+N for notifications
3: Clicked the gear to get into settings > about phone > tapped the build to enable developer options > back into settings > went to developer options and enabled “install apps from unknown sources” there (instead of bringing up the prompt like in the original, either way works.
4: Made sure to download the apk files for f-droid, pie launcher, and the VNC server onto the USB drive.
5: Winkey +N for notifications again and dragged it down to expand it
6: Unplugged the keyboard
7: Plugged in the USB drive
8: Notification came up to explore the drive.
9: Installed everything, clicking “back” and not open until the VNC server and opened it, set it up, and connected.
Now I’m doing everything else via VNC Just a bit of a workaround if you lack a bluetooth keyboard and USB hub so you technically are working with one USB port.
EDIT: I also found it a bit odd that it seems to have 2 sim slots, though only one IMEI… why does it need an IMEI? Why wasn’t it built more tablet style without telephony?
EDIT2: It also seems that the files are NOT saved in the file system and instead, they’re stored likely in the fabscreen files. Which, without root, we cannot access. Disappointing.