Notepad++ is as much as I’m willing to commit to at work
Additionally, the web version can’t do proper c symbols, so it’s really no better than notepad++
So did you look more at it ?
In the derivativve version of Marlin that Snapmaker is using, they have aaded another file in the module, Stepper_indirection.
under this section, I feel these sets of lines need to be understood,
I just want to configure one of the GPIO pins from Add-on 1 as OUtput. but it doesnt say here how.
Should I be using :
instead of :
Could you please help me here?
I did not. Had an electrical panel failure last night and had to do some rewiring.
Dangit @scyto fine I’ll use the online vscode obviously superior to notepad++ version since find all seems to work much faster than notepad++ at least. Shame find references doesn’t work since the c/c++ extension won’t run in the browser.
I’ll take a look here in a bit.
Oh you’re referencing pin 13 for some reason.
PE13 is not pin 13. Change 13 to PE13.
/* Pin aliases: these give the GPIO port/bit for each pin as an
* enum. These are optional, but recommended. They make it easier to
* write code using low-level GPIO functionality. */
enum {
PE13 is 77
13 is actually PA13
If for some reason that still has issues I see snapmaker uses the WRITE macro rather than extDigitalWrite for some reason, maybe there’s something there to look into
Sorry I sent you the old version, I did use PE13 and not 13. I think you are right, its because of the WRITE. I can try again but after my controller responds. MAybe we can work on it after the controller issue ? Please