Without the header, you do have to set your material thickness and origin every time, yes. This guide is a bit dated, a new method and guide is here:
With the new IR laser coming out, I figured testing and guides would follow. Lucky enough, it seems with minimal tweaks, Lightburn works with the new IR just fine. So here’s a guide on setting it up fully with Lightburn for auto-focusing and accurate results. Note; while I don’t have the 20/40W lasers, this guide SHOULD work for those as well. CONFIRMED WITH 40W I tested both USB connection, and using my Drag/Drop files
I - Gathering Information
You’ll need to find out homing pl…
While the title says for IR 20/40W it actually works with all the lasers, you just need to know your focus height. To find the focus height for the 10W
It should be 30mm, however, the easiest way to test (and similar to the focus bar method) would be to;
1: Do the platform height calibration.
2: Make a mock job and either send it to the machine or USB drive.
3: Start the job on the touchpad and choose manual thickness.
4: Touch the 10W laser to the platform and hit next.
5: When the laser moves up for you to set origin, tap the back button all the way back to the home screen.
6: Read the machine height from the control screen, that should…
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