Findings and solution for the Snapmaker J1 clogging problem

Hi guys,

I would like to share a easy solution for the clogging issues. Its only necessary to buy parts and dis- and reassamble the hotend.
There are two variants I built:

  1. (recommended):

This is the cost efficient variant and takes about 30 min.

  1. If you want to print very fast and need more flow you can take the same parts but use a CHT Nozzle:

The disadvantage is that with this configuration you might have to shorten the adapter because its very very scarce at the XY calibration.

At first I shortened the adapter, too:

But I crashed afterwards with the bed clamps. This is why I just tried to leave all parts as they are.

The heatbreak might not look perfectly fitting, but I never had a failed print since this rebuild. For the second configuration I took the original steel nozzles.

Thanks to all suppliers, especially CNC kitchen for fast and reliable shipping. Don’t forget the code from CNCKitchen if you want to support german shops: 1JY7BWV69A1H

In the first picture you can see all my fails of the bottle which are my project boxes now… :smiley:

I printed two of those bottles to verify the setup and both went very well. The second setup with the steel nozzle needs 15 degree higher temperatures than the configuration with the Bondtech CHT nozzle!