Does the J1 have accelerometers for input shaping? Or Is the resonance compensation calibrated during the setup wizard with the acceleration tower?
no it does not, the input shaper calibration on the printer is a test print where the resonance values they test for are changed incrementally from bottom to top. for me, none of them were exactly right. very misleading since that was bragged about in all of the advertisements.
I downloaded a basic ringing test print model and used Pronterface to change the resonance it compensated for every few layers so i could see a difference. it worked well enough but an accelerometer would do better.
Yes, it’s print based tuning with Marlin based printers.
But sometimes you just have to try anyway:
It doesn’t have accelerometers. As noted elsewhere,
“Marlin G-code uses Input Shaping for vibration compensation. This technique introduces an anti-vibration signal into the stepper motor commands to counteract the natural oscillations of the printer’s frame, reducing artifacts like ghosting and ringing, and improving print quality at higher speeds. If no accelerometer are available a specific test print is used to measure frequency and determine the adjustment in gcode adjusting the input shaper command.”