so i ordered the new build platform (what some call the bed frame) the one with the new square edges
i did some before and after, thought they would interest some folks.
note i don’t discount that the remaining deformation may be coming from the heating element/board… (aka that back right - i will try and verify with a straight edge at some point)
lol that’s what the M420 V spits out - so blame snapmaker but yeah seriously funny the catmull mesh goes to that many decimals, i have no idea why they chose that many places?
thanks, seems so, tbh was hoping (unreasonably maybe) for it to be even flatter, but i wasn’t expecting it - so all good.
its certainly much less varied than the before as this is more of a slope than curve
i’ll do glass later this week / weekend and update the OP
crap, i cant help myself in my sunk cost fallacy… i ordered second heated bed to see if that’s contributing or not…