Check Level Hot.gcode

My SM2 doesn’t do anything when running the “Check Level Hot 5x5.gcode” file.
I see

; Check Bed Grid Level - Square Pattern

and nothing else… I’ve been waiting for 5+ minutes - no movement notthing!

If I try to send a new


I get no response. I’ve copy-pasted your gcode files from this thread. I’m going to check the links in your sheet show the same gcode files - maybe that’s my issue. But it just seems to hang on the “comment” lines.

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I’ve removed all “comment” lines in the gcode and it runs properly…

Any ideas why I can’t keep the comment lines in my files?

Finally was able to properly complete the Level procedure from @Tone - THANK YOU! My first layer is night and day different to previous attempts.

This is my first ever 3d printer… I’m pretty technical, but bridging software and hardware is always tricky. Thanks again to the folks that post on this forum for your help…

Top threads: Bed Leveling 101, Extruder CalibrationI was ≈15% under extruding!
After 5 - 7 days in this forum I’m now expecting my first significant great print: a 28h print. It’s so good, I’ve actually increased the work speed to 200%… I’m just not patient enough.


I just want to say that I don’t know why Luban does it but I have also noticed that if you type a comment line into the terminal it will hang. I believe I’ve had better luck running comments through macros, those seem to run fine

I set the Z offset on the touch panel to +0.10 mm. On running the check hot level script I found out that after tweaking Z offset is too high on most of the grid points. So I would like to change the Z offset to +0.05.
On the touchpanel I can just do that when running a job from there (I guess). Is there a command I can set the Z offset from Luban via USB, an if so, is that stored on the machine?
Maybe a silly question but I’ve already spent half night with running hot level check and I’m not getting any further.

If I set M421 I0J0 Q-0.5 does that mean nozzle is going down (closer to the sheet) or up???

After 18 trials in the last 4 hours I give up. To me it’s not possible to level this printer…
Is there any command beside of M421 and M500 im missing?? I came down about almost 2 mm with the offset and still there is more than 1 mm space beyond the nozzle on most spots.
Do I have to run the M421 command for all grid points every time (even if there is no change), or can I just run two or three commands for the spots needed?

PS: After I gave up trying to level with the script. I run the check level (not hot) again. Nozzle crashed into the sheet, way too less offset. Obviously the tweaks has been stored (could check that with M420V) but were not done within running the hot level script?!?!?
I’m beginning to really hate this machine…

Yes Q-.01 moves the nozzle down at that grid point. You don’t have to do all points, one or more and when your done (or more often) a M500 to save. A M420 V will show you the current state of the level matrix. You could do a macro that sets or increments ALL the grid points at once. I use those kind of Luban macros all the time.

The Z offset only affects the currently running job. It’s not saved, there is no way (that I know of) to set it thru the console in Luban.

Good to see you @Tone, I feel like it’s been a while. Interesting that you say the z offset is only for the current print. I’m fairly sure mine has been saving between prints. I will have to test this after getting my replacement rail.

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There’s kind of multiple different Z offsets that are referred to; there is one that is used at the end of the AutoLevel routine which adjusts all of the leveling grid points by a value. That one is kind of remembered as it gets factored into each leveling point.
There is the one used when running a 3D print that adjusts the movement of all Z values up or down, that one is only active for the current print and only shows up after it executes a few move commands due to some lag in the movement queue, it isn’t immediate. It modify the absolute Z movement values just prior to being placed in the queue. Consequently they don’t actually become effective until they make their way through the queue.
There is a Z offset that is defined in the M851 command which sets the vertical distance from the nozzle to the Z probe trigger-point. That one is saved in eeprom and I believe requires a M500 to save.

I’m referring to the z offset that is adjustable from the touchscreen after a print is started. I have set it, and it seems like every time I go to print it remains set. that is until the next time I run a calibration.

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Video proof:

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Did you adjust it before you hit start?

Which rev of firmware?

V1.9 and no, see full Video

At the moment I can’t understand what was going wrong during checking hot level. After giving an M421 command I could see it‘s been recognized as the M420V showed the change. But I seems to have no actual effect on Z value re-running the check level.
Just after loading the other gcode (check level) to the machine the offset was effective, visible by an much too low Z offset.
Any idea what went wrong there? Do I have to home the axis in between the tweaking, or is there something else I was missing?
Another thing I am curious about is that sometimes the printer just don‘t react to a command via console anymore until I cancel the connection and re-establish again?!
BTW I‘m on fw 1.10.01

same here on 1.10.1. Saw it also on 1.9.

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Something does sound strange. I’ve never seen a problem with the console stopping. It almost sounds like at times your Leveling is turned off. Does a M420V show that it is turned on? I think that it is a good idea to home at the beginning of doing something new, I seem to recall that I have a home at the beginning of the Check Level macros. I still need to load the newer firmware and try some things.

@Atom, I see from the release notes on FW1.9:

  • Refactored the code for Z-Offset
  • Now the Z-Offset will be reset when you re-calibrate in 3D printing.
  • Z-Offset will be memorized even after machine reboots.
  • Z-Offset movement distances will be limited to -0.5mm ~ +2.0mm. We recommend you re-calibrate the machine if the Z-Offset isn’t ideal.
  • You can check for or change the Z-Offset value before starting your print on the preview page or the print page. (Swipe left to access the settings).

I’m still on 1.8 so I’m way behind the times! When they refactored for the RTOS they might have introduced all kinds of bugs. That’s a pretty major refactor. Mind you RTOS is s good thing to have but the Martin community at large has not switched over to it. (I think) @Alan comments?


Another things I don’t understand is when I run this leveltest after slicing with Luban it gives completely different results than slicing with Simplify3D???

Using Luna leveling is almost fine. Taking S3D I would say Z offset is much too low.
Is this possibly caused by the slicing procedure??

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Leveling seems to be on.

Apologize for any ignorance in my post, but this is my first attempt at understanding leveling beyond running an autolevel.

First question, what do the numbers to the left of the decimal represent? I see 11’s in the output above, but I have 6’s & 7’s:

Second, any insight into why my visualization grid is empty based on the output above? Updating the grid from the Octoprint Bed Visualization plugin causes the SM to run a probe of the 25 calibration points and output the M420V data shown above in the OP terminal.

Thanks for the help!

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