Check Level Hot.gcode

That is millimeters that the real Z zero is below where the Offset Z is. Mine has 3’s, its going to be different from machine size to machine size.

Don’t know the answer to your second question.

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I believe the answer to your second question is the graph assumes the bed mesh is centered at 0, and it’s actually at 7, which is above the top of your chart. If you can change the axis start and stop values maybe it’ll be there.

This also irritates me to no end - the firmware is designed for the mesh values to be a deviation from the center, which should be at Z=0 by using M206 to set the measured home offset. The touchscreen does not use M206 and uses the bed mesh to adjust the Z values by several mm. In effect, this breaks the Z fade out function the firmware allows you to use, guaranteeing you’ll never end up with a flat top surface, it will always match the bed level.

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Bingo. Thanks for the help. I changed my graph to 6 - 8 and now can see an really discouraging result:


Hi, can you tell me how you configured BedVisualiser in octoprint?
its the only addon i can get to work!

And kepp alive and kicking!

Whereabouts are you up to, I have it enabled but can’t set the Axis yet in the plugin? I can set it in the studio. I can help you get to my sticking point.

Found the settings in Octoprint under settings and at the bottom of the list is the plugin settings you select bed visualizer then you can set the Axis there, I changed mine to image

Mine is warped for sure. image

I have tried this - Graph is empty.


Thats my settings.

any differences?

You do not want to issue a G29 T, that’s only for UBL, Snapmaker instead uses ABL. I’m guessing that line should be M420 V.

Thanks for the hint. I will try it when my new printhead will arrive.

BTW: I will get a new sensor for my broken printhead as a sparepart for free!!!

@Tracy Many thanks for that :heart_eyes_cat:

You need to change the Axis on the graph.

just this simple command

See the change of the Graph Z-Limits that fixed my blank display.

Better after I have shimmed it with copper tape. but more work could be done.



Hello again, @Tigercjn

i cant get this freaky addon bedvisualizer not getting to work. I have tried many settins for Z from -10 - +10 but it is not comming to an end. Its doing what it should, but in the end it shows “Retrieving mesh” and that will stay in this condition for I will think ever.

Am I right that when I only give the addone an M420 V in its configuration it will showup the mesh, without doing a leveling?

Please make me happy :sob:

I do just have the “M420 V” command configured and do get the mesh visualized.

What values do you see when you type in the M420 V command in the terminal? The max value of the mess should just be bigger than the one. I have that one set to 15 and it shows up just fine. (max z-value for me is 8.9 approximately.

Maybe with your glass bed mounted you’re above the +10mm you’ve tried?

Have you done a calibration first? check on the terminal it should read the vaules out. M420V needs to be without a space I think

That’s a scary mesh until I saw the scale used. I would shim the bed so its more consistent.

Mine was 1.6mm out and they are sending a new part, I will try it when it arrives.

The mesh would adjust it but the print would not sit flat.

It works with the space for me (see screenshot)

it was a quick validation just for this post, in reality it’s better, but I put my printbed on a cnc-wasteboard which is milled flat (or at least parallel with the X-axis)

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Can not test at the moment its printing nice things for my other printer :slight_smile:

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I have also noticed I think we need to tick the box to flip the Y axes, I will have a look now. Still learning which direction and scale are which on the printer. NO that is not right, the unticked settings are right.