@spucky Cause i didnt have it on hand…
In that topic im not entirely sure whats happening at all with the artisan.
If you look around the interwebs youll find several threds mentioning that artisan dosent respect the Meshleveling as a firmware bug.
Nothing of that is official tho or prooven fact as far as im aware.
My time and tools are somewhat limited at this point in proving that.
What i could oserve is that if my bed is super croocked (above 1mm) i couldnt get reliable rsults.
you can follow my thread where i show what if tested and tryed to fix that so far.
you wanna shim your bed to have a difference below 1mm.
You can check that by connecting your PC to the Snapmaker via USB and use the Command M420V to get the leveling Data.
Like i said before:
im not an engineer or anything like that so thats just what helped me.
It dosent have to apply to your machine/situation.
Maybe there are users with better concepts or better solutions.