I’m not sure why people have decided that the Artisan is a replacement for the SM2.
SM has never said this let alone suggested it.
Given plenty of opportunity, they have very clearly not discounted that impression, either. They’ve passed on what from the Artisan development might trickle down to SM2 users (10W laser preceded Artisan, dual extruder will come, ‘possibly’ a quick-change toolhead adapter but not plate, and one lone mention of a ‘filament warmer’ which sounds like an independent peripheral like the air filter anyway) only after backlash at the new marketing campaign.
But I have not seen them say “the SM2.0 units will continue to be produced as an active product line for __, alongside their new big brother the Artisan, too!”…anywhere. Perhaps I missed it?
In absence of any clear plan statement, is the supposition that the SM2 will just sort of ‘linger’ like the SM1 has, really that unrealistic of an interpretation? (And yes, I know even if they do flat out state they plan to keep it, they could change their mind later. It’s a statement of intent for today that is missing, which results in speculation.)
What we do know is many things have dropped off the roadmap silently until people harped on them for answers and finally got the admission (the XL, the delta, etc). of ‘yeah we gave up’.
No one ‘owes’ us anything beyond warranty support and perhaps a little lifeline of available replacement parts for purchase. But the company’s stated intent at the time of purchase for furtherance of the product was indeed a part of the calculus of choosing to buy, and for a given price. I will pay more for something that I believe has ‘more future legs’ than I will for something I know to be a going-out-of-production, buyer beware! sort of item. (And yes I do that too…currently on a backup LG cellphone bought for pennies on the dollar shortly after they abandoned the market entirely, because its good enough functionality and speed and cheap as chips. The potato kind, not the supply chain nightmare semiconducting kind. 
As a Kickstarter buyer, aside from the never-to-be delta or XL possibility, I’ve gotten a reasonable use lifetime out of the 2.0 already and really have no complaint now, and it is still working, and I have backup rails and a print head even. But I totally understand more than a little angst over the announcement from new buyers. This is not Apple where an annual or semi-annual slight spec upgrade refresh is assumed, (and glass phones are almost all designed these days to expire in 18-24 months due to battery death if not impact). This should be a 3-4 useful lifetime purchase.