Add Command `M600` in Your G-Code File

That looks correct to me, and I just checked the last print I did with M600, and here’s what I inserted:

G0 X137.039 Y139.941
G0 X137.094 Y139.922
G0 X136.998 Y139.897

Looks the same as your file. Are you sure your controller/heads are on the latest firmware? You might try a USB upgrade with the 3dp head attached (download the latest FW to USB, boot with the 3dp head attached, and select the file to upgrade) just to make sure. There was a release a while back that needed to upgrade the head firmware as well, and I can’t remember if it prompted you to do anything if you changed heads. It also wouldn’t work over wifi-had to be a local USB upgrade.

Possibly another thing to try-does your filament runout sensor work? Try cutting the filament off while printing and see if it detects the runout. It’s distinctly possible that if the sensor is broken/not detected that the runout command won’t work.