A350 Heatbed heat distribution

Because of some adhesion problems I was curious about the heat distribution of my A350.

Following images are done by a Flir E4+ at 80° C heatbed temperature:

Snapmaker A350 original printing mat:



Printing on glas:



The heatplate itself has some hot and cold spots:



The cold spots are in relation to the screw holes, not that surprising. Thank you for doing this. I myself am about to do a reading with a silicone thermal pad on the bottom of the glass.

Yea that parallax on the Flir MSX is really bad at short distances, makes it looks somewhere else.

I’m actually pretty surprised how poor the glass spreads out the heat and how well the steel core of the standard sheet works to spread it out.

I used a magnetic adhesive sheet on the bottom of my glass to help hold it in place, and that was a bust, but…

it seems to distribute the heat on the glass better than kapton tape does… so i put it back on anyhow.

I did the same thing plus a video of the variation while it’s trying to hold a temperature: Thermal Images of 3D Print Bed

bust as in didn’t hold it in place, or bust as in not-level?

I’ve been considering a magnet-backed glass sheet for the usable portion of the bed (about an inch in from the corners), to have the flatness of glass to print on but using the clearly warped edges of the bed as a reference surface (fallback: MDF under the bed, full-sized glass on top).

EDIT: Scratched out Melamine. 250C decomposition temperature just doesn’t sounds like a good idea, though the bed doesn’t get that hot.

It didnt hold position.

I just used it with some class clips i designed and it works fine.

A steel plate would probably hold position quite fine in place of adhesive magnet, but probably wouldnt distribute heat as nicely.