10W Laser, Rotary tool and code editing for laser engraving glass

Hello everybody!

i tried to search the forum for an answer, without luck, please forgive me if the subject has been discussed already. I have a A350 2.0, rotary tool and 10W laser. Im trying to do a little project on glass. I’m new to using the rotary tool and im loading files to the machine using the usbkey to be able to manually set work origin and focus directly on the machine. Now the question:

is it possible to both have “on the path” and “fill” method in the same file, manually editing the files? i was thinking i could create 2 different files with luban and then merge them, to send a single fine, could that somehow work?

the aim would be being able and do both the outline of some text and the filling without risking to be offset

many tanks to any reply!


Simply import your file two times and give it the same origin.
Now you are able to generate two separate tool paths in one gcode.

uhm… two paths of different methods can be made directly into a single file from luban? i did quite a lot of laser cuts and engravings but never noticed i could

are you saying i could do a engraving and a cut with a single file? if so, i feel so noob. Lol

In Luban i can create two different toolpaths in one file and use it. That’s what i am doing pretty often.
Both can have two independent commands (e.g. slower/faster, more/less power etc.