Zero and corner finder

hi everyone

will this work

after creating the jig can we add Gcode commands as below (as we the Jig size is known).
to make this work , we need a probe port
but will be a simple way to set the Z and seek the corner to start the jobs.

Probe using the G38.2 command
Z: G38.2 z-15 f20
(probe 15mm down using speed 20mm/min)
X: G38.2 x15 f20
(probe 15mm right using speed 20mm/min)
Y: G38.2 Y15 f20
(probe 15mm right using speed 20mm/min)

Set position after each probing operation
Z: G92 Z6
(z is 6mm above surface)
X: G92 X-13.5
(x is 13.5mm to the right (12+1.5mm))
Y: G92 Y-13.5
(y is 13.5mm up (12+1.5mm))

There’s no probe on the CNC or laser module so no

If you were so inclined you could do it with the 3dp head

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thx for the 3dp idea ,
but still hope a simple probe port to be introduced soon