When Luban generating gcode, Is that possible some part of module generate support, and some part not?

As Luban’s gcode preview, it generate 3 parts support to the 3D module, but for some reason I want 2 parts NOT using support, and generate support for last 1 part.

Is that possible to do this with Luban ?

I only see a Support Overhang Angle setting. Depending on the part, you might be able to raise that to a value that will generate supports for the one part, but not the other 2.

If that doesn’t work, the Supports button on the left nav will let you paint areas as Add Support or Delete Support. Just paint the two objects you don’t want supports on.
Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 3.50.52 PM

Hi, thanks for your reply.
I tried this function to remove some support, but after that the bottom right button still says “Generate G-code”. I need to click it so that I can load model to workspace, and the result just ignore everything I edited.

PIC - Editing support

PIC - After edit

PIC - After generate g-code

I’m not sure if it is Luban’s bug or my operation wasn’t right…

I did that on the last version of Luban (4.7.2), and it did not generate supports after I deleted them. In 4.7.3, it’s reseting the supports once I finish deleting them.