What I did to prevent the J1 extruders clogging

Because I was afraid to rebuild the hot end that the overall length is no longer correct and special adapters are necessary, I limited myself to conversions that did not require any serious interventions in the hotends.
Here the changes I carried out:

After applying all these modifications I didn’t got a clogged extruder during all following prints.
I hope this will help you to fix the clogging issues on your printer too.

Had recently a 15h-job for the modified printer. It was processed without one clogging issue.
Printed it with PLA silk silver at 225°C, a 0.4mm nozzle at 150mm/s.

I had to replace the PTFE tube in the heatbreak with Capricorn tubing 1.9mm and using 40mm retraction in the slicer. Clogging was gone. I couldn’t print white or rock white PLA at all in 2 color mode.

Yes, all actions reducing the friction within the filament path will help to prevent the clogging.
But 40mm retraction!? This seems a bit too much in my eyes. Even on my FlashForge printer I used at most 5mm for flexible filaments and PETG.

That’s the retraction used when switching filaments. Not normal retraction. This is set to 0.4mm in my case. Standard retraction when switching filament is 2mm in orca slicer.

And i use the Capricorn tube because the diameter is smaller. Thus when I switch filament the tip will get parket at the ptfe tube position and the tip will be small enough to enter the nozzle again and not jam/clog in the hotend.