What are your TOP 3 desired optimizations for LightBurn?

I updated lightburn and my Artisan Firmware, created gcode in lightburn with Origin bottom left, going to Artisan and ran boundary. Useless. I set Origin bottom left on my workpiece on Artisan and ran boundary. It is running some square outside the working area. The lasering itself run in the correct Position, but the boundary is crap.

I hate being nickle and dimed to death by software developers. If an upfront cost was REASONABLE, like $25 for a lifetime license I would be more likely to use it. $99 is pretty steep - especially with updates for only 1 year. Updates should be for life and it should be able to be used on 3 computers, not 2.

On license page from Lightburn

The license is perpetual (aka forever)

How many computers can I use it on? The license lets you use the software on up to three computers at once, they don’t have to use the same operating system, and a license can be easily moved if you get a new computer. New licenses automatically come with 3 “seats” (computers).
If you need more seats, or a floating license setup, we can do that too - contact us for pricing and details.

Take a look at the prices for other software.

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Back on the topic of things outside of price that are problems with lightburn (although, I still prefer it over luban):

  • Incapable of running the laser projects remotely (yes, I can use sm2uploader or some custom bash scripts I wrote myself, but it’d be wonderful if LB worked like Octoprint)
  • Uploaded files don’t have the preview like files from luban
  • No integration with the snapmaker’s auto leveling (you can do it, but the process is just a bit clunky)
  • No (working) integration with the snapmaker camera capture, it would be great if there was a simple way to use the SM’s camera API to be able to generate a background in LB. For now I’m resorting to using an external webcam.

Uploaded files with the recent versions of Lightburn do have a preview.

Auto-Levelling: With Laser? What would you need this for? Or do you mean focusing?

Camera Capture: I never tried, but weren’t there some people who got it running? Buit I admit I might remember something wrongly here
 Thing is: When I saw the Kickstarter videos for SM 2, I thought: Uh, this camera capture-alignment, that looks cool! But to the day, I never used it, as I find positioning the laser directly on the workpiece so much easier

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Sorry yea, I meant auto focus.

Camera capture is really nice when you’re engraving on some existing objects, no need to measure or align anything, you just throw it on the bed, snap a pic, and then design on top as if you’re drawing directly on it.

Je suis bien d’accord avec votre remarque : ce serait vraiment bien de pouvoir utiliser (entre autres) la camĂ©ra de cette maniĂšre. Mais aussi tant d’autres choses pourraient ĂȘtre faites ! Globalement pour moi, Lightburn est un programme formidable, et je me rĂ©gale avec les autres lasers qui sont presque tous bien compatibles. Avec Snamaker c’est un supplice, mauvaise utilisation des fontions “directes”, une suite de sinistres et finalement dangereuses recettes de cuisine Ă  appliquer qui ne permettent pas d’utiliser toutes les ressources de ce trĂšs bon programme et donc cela gĂąche le travail et m’enlĂšve tout le plaisir et la sĂ©curitĂ© de la gravure laser.
Personnellement, je vois donc les choses de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale : nous avons des machines dont le matĂ©riel a des propriĂ©tĂ©s trĂšs intĂ©ressantes MAIS le logiciel pour l’exploiter est traitĂ© “à l’économie” et rend ces belles machines carrĂ©ment mal utilisables. Ne croyez-vous pas qu’il serait plus positif (au lieu de se dĂ©brouiller tout seuls et de “souffrir en silence”) de se retourner nombreux et fermement vers la direction de Snapmaker et de leur faire bien comprendre qu’une sociĂ©tĂ© sĂ©rieuse actuelle ne peut et ne doit pas bricoler avec le logiciel et ne peut pas se permettre de fournir des “programmes sous dĂ©veloppĂ©s” sans mettre en pĂ©ril sa survie ? J’ai un peu l’impression d’ĂȘtre seul Ă  leur dire cela avec insistance depuis des mois et ça a l’air de faire le mĂȘme effet qu’un emplĂątre sur une jambe de bois :smirk::rage:
Si les choses changeaient, on pourrait se rĂ©galer avec plein d’astuces techniques et crĂ©atives que permettrait ce matĂ©riel + Lightburn, au lieu de s’épuiser sur des recettes de cuisine inintĂ©ressantes voire dangereuses (je pense notamment aux cas oĂč le laser ne s’éteint pas quand il est mal gĂ©rĂ© par Marlin / GRBL).
J’aimerais vraiment avoir vos avis.