The Galactic Laser Contest - May the Snap be with you🌌

Hey Snapmaker Users,

The new round of video contest is here! :hugs:This time, we hope you unleash your creativity with laser engraving. Just like a Jedi mastering the force, you’ll wield the elegant precision of a lightsaber to craft stunning works of art. Laser enthusiasts, the content and format are open-ended! Don’t miss the perfect opportunity to showcase your creativity and win incredible gifts!

Join here: The Galactic Laser Contest

  • :clapper: Be sure to highlight the design and thought behind your creation, as well as the final result.

:gift:Prizes: Snapmaker’s Winners*3 (choose one of these combos):

  • J1s+Mystery Box (upcoming product)

  • Artisan 3-in-1+Mystery Box (upcoming product)

  • Ray+Mystery Box (upcoming product)


  • Length of video should be between 61s-180s.

  • Use the provided video cover template in the first 1-3s: Contest-Video-Cover-Snapmaker - Google Drive.

  • Upload your laser video to YouTube with the hashtag #snapmakervideocontest, and then submit the video link to the Gleam widget!

  • Ensure that over 80% of the components in your work are created using the Snapmaker machine.

:alarm_clock:Contest Dates:

April 4 - May 4

Want to find out what’s inside the Mystery Box? Come and join us now!:confetti_ball:


Red Laser! Whoop whoop!

UPDATE: The Galactic Laser Contest Announcement

Hello everyone! The results of the Galactic Laser Contest are in! :tada:We received many impressive submissions this time, showcasing high levels of creativity and technical skill. Thanks to all participants for your hard work and creativity. Now, it’s time to celebrate our winners:

:trophy: Whisky Club Canada
:point_right: Check out the super cool Laser Monopoly Board!

:trophy: MPW Dizajn
:point_right: Beam over to Deep Space 9 —Star Trek fans, this is for you!

:trophy: R-optic
:point_right: Brought us an art piece of Darth Vader that is absolutely stunning!

Curious about how the judges scored? Follow the link: View scoring details

See all the submission videos here: The Galactic Laser Contest

Thanks again to all who participated, and congratulations to the winners! We look forward to your participation in the next contest (LATER). :rocket:

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