Snapmaker A250 - 3D Printing: Issues with Print Quality

This is what I mean with enclosure. Room temperatures below 20°C isn’t the best. I take my enclosure temperature between 22°C and 30°C.

Filament temperature, I use filament from @ 210°C some colours @215°C. Try to print with 5°C difference.

Bed temperature 60°C. After a few layers I set down to 40°C or less.

X axis 200mm/s. Y axis 150mm/s.

First layer 0,3mm all the other 0,15mm.

4 closed layers on bottom and top.

Wall thickness 3 prints.

E-steps read this.

For the ‘paper’ calibration, with 70°C heated bed, I take a value 0,05mm lower then the SM card is given.

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