SM2 Bed Leveling

Thank you @parachvte
Is there a way to Exit the dev mode?

Same way. It just toggles the dev mode.

Click the image once to exit the dev mode


Just a question out of curiosity. What part is warping from the heat?


@kmeinder, All of it!
Well, the main components that contribute to the movement is the aluminum bed. The table itself probably warps some because the heating elements are not uniformly distributed (in a perfect sense). The aluminum actuator bodies probably contribute a little, aluminum expands quite a lot when heated but they don’t get heated very much. I would estimate 90%+ likely comes from the aluminum bed frame.

Keep in mind there is some movement that comes from the slop in the actuators, when the x axis changes direction it will cause movement. The backlash has an effect too because the system is trying to compensate for the changes in the z direction so as it changes direction the backlash there shows up.

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What are your thoughts on trying to isolate the frames with heat resistant material.

I think it’s a good idea - I’m using a thin fiberglass mat made as an exhaust pipe wrap, it’s dense and approximately 1mm thick. Used in conjunction with a glass bed.

Can you still use auto leveling or are you doing it all manually?

I’m using an adhesive high temp magnetic sheet on the glass with the provided snapmaker build sheet, so yes, it autolevels.

I have a 3/8" thick glass composite sheet that I’m going use to REPLACE the aluminum frame. I’m wanting to do the machining on the Snapmaker and show how I did it (if I can ever get around to it, it’s been sitting around for 8 months or so now. :-(. )

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Sorry to bother you again. When you do the manual table, is this the auto level amounts less the amount you want to change it to? What is the units in the table? I’m assuming metric. Lot’s to learn. I found a list of gcode, but it does not match your format. I was going to try to move just one point and then check, so I want to be sure I have the right format.

Appreciate your help.

The manual region are the matrix values as set by any particular manual process. The region below that is the difference between auto and manual as the labels state.

The “tweak” region just turns those values into gcode that can be saved as a macro and run after any time you do an auto level.

Yes, they are metric. (mm)